Adams Community Club
President – Tyler Estep
Vice President – Kay Bagby
Secretary – Jane Evans
Treasurer – Rachel Nolen
The Community Club meets every third Thursday at 6:30pm for a covered dish meal at the Adams Club House on South Church Street, Adams, TN. The community is invited to attend and enjoy fellowship, good food, a speaker, or tales from yesteryear in Adams.
Adams FCE Club
The Mission of the Association for FCE (Family, Community and Education) is to strengthen individuals and families through education, leadership, development and community service. We meet the first Tuesday of every month at 10:00 A.M. at the Adams Clubhouse located at 302 South Church Street in Adams. We fellowship together, have Potlucks, games, bingo, guest speakers, crafts, quilting and much more. We are civic minded and care about our community service projects for our local nursing home, God’s Pantry, our shut-ins and much more. We also participate in the Threshermen’s Show each year.
The Clubhouse is also available to rent for special events, birthday parties, etc..
Please come and visit us, we would love to have you. Fore more information, contact any listed below:
President – Mary Mantooth
Vice President – Crystal Brown
Secretary – Beverly Goodman
Treasurer – Pat Chapman